
Used gold dredge for sale
Used gold dredge for sale

used gold dredge for sale

All 3" and larger Proline dredges utilize our exclusive "sure-flow" hose coupler system to essentially eliminate all surface rock jams. On conventional dredge designs, the steel power jet slips inside the hose, creating a restriction and many plugs in the process. One major problem associated with all gold dredges over the years has been the far too frequent rock jams in the dredge hose, particularly at the power jet.

used gold dredge for sale

All of our dredges are equipped with "Nomad" matting for the entire length of the sluice box. Our system not only provides impressive, consistent fine gold recovery, but is much lighter and easier to work with than the cumbersome "triple-sluice" and "multi-stage" designs offered by others. This allows the heavier values to settle out much sooner, while at the same time working the lighter material out of the sluice box, constantly enriching the concentrate. Our highly acclaimed "wave" classifier is unique in that it creates a pulsing or "jigging" action similar to that which is found in many large mining operations. Many hours of classifier testing eventually led to the design now found in all Proline flare dredges. Critical attention has been directed at riffle profile, riffle timing, and classifier design.

used gold dredge for sale

Although the changes are not always apparent, their results have been rewarding. The recovery systems in our dredges are always under constant development. All Proline pontoons have stainless steel threaded inserts cast into them which makes for easy assembly and maximum strength. It has proven to be one of the toughest materials available, as it is very UV resistant and maintains its pliability much longer than some other types of plastic currently being used. We've always used the finest cross-link polyethylene plastic in our floatation. The result of this design is greater dredge vacuum, less horse power required for operation, fewer rock jams, and improved fine gold recovery. In addition, the configuration of the flare dredge allows the sluice box to sit much closer to the water, improving power and efficiency. The flare's rapid expansion causes all dredged material to slow down and begin to spread out before reaching the sluice box for improved particle distribution. There are several advantages that come from this design. The flare dredges are easily distinguished from the dredges that use a hopper, or "header box", in that they incorporate a large expansion chamber or "flare" which is located between the dredge's power jet and the sluice box.

used gold dredge for sale

It was with all of those criteria in mind that we developed our line of dredges, most of which have seen many recent improvements. At Proline we understand the importance of performance, as well as reliability, serviceability, weight, appearance, and cost. Many years of research and development, along with decades of invaluable dredging experience, have gone into the dredges we build today. We Understand the Importance Of Performance, reliability and cost

Used gold dredge for sale